Address Correction
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Address Correction Request

Please complete the form below to request an address update or correction. Your request will be reviewed by staff and processed within 5 business days.

Owner Mailing Address

This address is where you wish to receive correspondence from the Franklin County Auditor if your tax mailing address is a mortgage company.

Please note the Owner Mailing address is not where your tax bill is sent (you can view and modify your tax bill mailing address on the Treasurer’s website here).

Current Owner Mailing Address


Site (Property) Address

This address is the location of the property.

Current Site Address


Copy from owner address above

Contact Info

Please provide contact information in case we have questions regarding your submission. The Franklin County Auditor's Office will not share this information.

Please note: A phone number and/or e-mail address must be provided in case we have questions about your request.

By submitting this change of address information, I acknowledge that I am authorized to request this change and that to the best of my knowledge all information submitted is correct. I understand that unauthorized submissions could be subject to criminal and civil penalties.