Auditor's Sale

The Franklin County Auditor's Office will be conducting an Auditor's Sale on Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 beginning at 9:00 am in the Auditorium on the first floor of the Frankin County Courthouse, 373 S. High Street.

The county auditor is the selling agent for the state and is required by law to maintain a list of forfeited properties seized due to nonpayment of real estate taxes.

You may pre-register on our website with the NAME THAT IS TO BE TYPED ON THE DEED by 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 19th. You may also register on the day of sale starting at 7:30 am at the courthouse.

Please note that all purchases of real estate are "buyer beware" and it is strongly recommended that each buyer contact a real estate attorney and / or title company prior to the sale.

Auditor's Sale

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
9:00 am continuing until all parcels are sold

373 S. High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
First Floor Auditorium